Framing the Challenge – “The Wheel of Fortune”
Earlier information from the GRaPA project has outlined our goal of identifying new radical technical solutions that might enable a paradigm change in P&A methodology. In an effort to focus more on specific targeted solutions, we have developed a process flow for P&A planning and execution defining seven discreet "buckets" defining challenge statements for the process. We are calling this process "The Wheel of Fortune"! We hope these challenge statements will inspire technology developers to consider creative solutions to the individual challenges.
We will soon publish a set of more detailed challenge statements to further focus on specific opportunities for technology development. To some, these statements may seem obvious, however, as you consider potential solutions, do not limit yourself to current thinking driven by traditional methodology and prescriptive industry standards. Ignore any thoughts as to whether a solution might be "approvable" based on current regulations / guidelines / standards. Instead, think outside the box! We believe that future P&A design methodology will pave the way for the application of more radical technical solutions.
Get those creative juices flowing and contact us with your ideas and thoughts.
Again … more to come soon!!